Terms & Conditions


Public relations professionals have a special obligation to practice their craft ethically with the highest standards of truth, accuracy, fairness, and responsibility toward the public. Therefore, Parties agree to adhere to the PRSA's Code of Ethics.


To cover costs, accounting, and taxes, Limit Break Media LLC invoices separately for out-of-pocket costs, marked up for approved expenses including travel (IRS mileage rates, business class airfare, ground transportation, and GSA per diem rates), supplies, materials, and service providers, such as printing, mailing, postage, photography, videos, media, entertaining media, influencers, key contacts, and other expenses. Such invoices are due upon receipt. Under the principle of sequential liability, Limit Break Media LLC is liable for payments to such suppliers and other vendors only to the extent that the Client delivers payment for such purchases. For amounts owing and not paid to Limit Break Media LLC, the Client agrees it will be held solely responsible for such payments. Limit Break Media LLC shall have the right to require reasonable assurance of the availability of the Client's funds in advance of undertaking commitments on the Client's behalf.


The Client agree to pay Limit Break Media LLC the Investment and any invoices to complete the Scope, Project, or Program, payable upon signing by check or ACH (preferred). Limit Break Media LLC offers monthly incremental payments -- and any quarterly and annual prepayment discounts, when available -- as a convenience only. When a third party makes a payment for the Client, said party agrees it's also liable for any payments owed under the Agreement. The Client agrees that all Limit Break Media LLC invoices are deemed approved 10 days after the Client receives them unless the Client notifies Limit Break Media LLC in writing of any good faith disapproval. In the event that a payment is five days late, Limit Break Media LLC shall pause all work without penalty. This does not relieve the Client of its obligations. In the unlikely event the payment is overdue by 30 days, the Client is responsible for a $50 monthly late fee and 18% interest per annum, plus any costs of collections (approximately 25% of the balance), and fees for attorneys, court, legal matters, mediation, and bankruptcy. Limit Break Media LLC shall begin providing Services in connection with this agreement after receiving the signed agreement and corresponding payment.

Annually, Limit Break Media LLC increases the investment by up to 5% or the national Consumer Price Index average, whichever is higher. As the Client expands into new geographic markets, additional industries, and/or within its products and services catalog, Limit Break Media LLC may increase the corresponding investment based on an increased scope of work.


Unless previously agreed upon in writing, only after the initial nine months may either party initiate Agreement termination (or scope reduction) by delivering their 90 days' written notice. During the termination notification period, the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the Client and Limit Break Media LLC as client and agency shall continue in full force and effect, including and not limited to Limit Break Media LLC continuing to be ready and willing to render services on the Client's behalf in exchange for payment of all fees, hourly charges, expenses, and other sums as provided in this Agreement.


Limit Break Media LLC will make every reasonable effort to provide a complete and accurate service. However, Limit Break Media LLC offers no absolute guarantee. This agreement is complete and has no additional verbal representations. Parties agree there are many factors outside of Limit Break Media LLC's control, including the Client, consumer and market products, services, prices, quality, demand, competition and behavior, preferences and reviews, technology changes, media bias, the economy, and major events. Therefore, beyond quality and scope of work, Limit Break Media LLC offers no guarantees, warranties, chargebacks, or refunds.


Limit Break Media LLC does not own or exercise control over media outlets or other third parties, whether in television, radio, print, web, or any other medium. Therefore, Limit Break Media LLC cannot and does not guarantee the performance, conduct, timeliness, content, or editorial decision of any media outlet. Media outlets may require professional news photos or video footage. Limit Break Media LLC will source such approved materials/services at the Client's expense. Limit Break Media LLC recommends an additional investment to boost/sponsor social media content to improve organic reach and engagement.


This agreement requires each party's mutual respect for confidential and proprietary information, including not soliciting or hiring each other's employees, vendors, or independent contractors for up to two years after the business relationship ends. In the event that one of Limit Break Media LLC's client's conflicts with this business relationship, Limit Break Media LLC has the right to resign at any time and return any unearned fees. Neither party shall disclose any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement without the other's prior written consent. Notwithstanding, in its marketing materials, Limit Break Media LLC may refer to the Client as its client.


Unless a conflicting mutual confidentiality agreement exists between the parties, parties agree to keep confidentiality and not to disclose or use for its own benefit or for the benefit of any third party (except as may be required for the performance of services under this agreement or as may be required by law) any information, documents, or materials which are identified by a party, at the time they are made available, to be proprietary or confidential. Further, the Client acknowledges the rates and other terms negotiated by Limit Break Media LLC with vendors performing hereunder may be protected by Limit Break Media LLC as trade secrets and may not be generally known by the public or Limit Break Media LLC's competitors. Accordingly, such information shall be treated as confidential information hereunder. The confidentiality obligations in the preceding sentence, however, shall not extend to any information, documents, or materials that (a) become publicly available without breach of this provision, (b) are received from a third party without restriction, or (c) are independently developed without reference to information received hereunder from the other party.

Confidential materials provided to Limit Break Media LLC shall be either returned to the Client or discarded as the Client directs in writing at the end of the business relationship. In the absence of instructions, such confidential materials may be maintained by Limit Break Media LLC in accordance with its policies and procedures to comply with law, regulation, or archival purposes, provided that any confidential materials so retained shall continue to be deemed confidential information pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and Limit Break Media LLC shall continue to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If the Client prefers that Limit Break Media LLC adopt a different practice regarding the retention of confidential materials or any other materials that are provided to Limit Break Media LLC in connection with this Agreement, please notify Limit Break Media LLC in writing.


Limit Break Media LLC is authorized to publicize this agreement to work with the Client in the form of news releases and media announcements, event development, and news coverage, and Limit Break Media LLC reserves the right to include the Client's name in its client roster. Limit Break Media LLC may offer the Client the opportunity to participate in announcements made related to any work with the Client. Limit Break Media LLC may include the Client's logo, company name, and description on any of its brochures, websites, and other promotional material and may provide a direct link both to the Client's website and to any earned media coverage. The Client may also be requested to participate in additional activities such as success stories, references, and public relations initiatives, and the Client agrees not to unreasonably deny any such requests. Upon termination of this Agreement, Limit Break Media LLC retains the right to publicize its past involvement with the Client, including the use of the Client's name and logo and a description of services rendered by Limit Break Media LLC on its websites and in its marketing materials. If Limit Break Media LLC agrees, the Client may list Limit Break Media LLC as a communication contact on its website and in all news releases.

Additionally, during the term of this Agreement, the Client will give Limit Break Media LLC access to its website analytics program to enable Limit Break Media LLC to maintain and measure the effectiveness of any Services hereunder. If the Client does not have an analytics program, Limit Break Media LLC recommends obtaining one.


In the unlikely event that a dispute arises, the claiming party will send the other party a notice of breach by certified mail, stating in specific details what act, conduct, or omission constitutes the alleged breach or default. The responding party will have 30 days from the receipt of the notice to cure the alleged breach or default. During those 30 days, the Parties will cooperate and engage in substantive, good-faith negotiations to resolve their differences. If the differences between the Parties are not resolved within 30 days after the Notice of Default, the Parties will engage in pre-litigation mediation with the cost of mediation to be shared equally between them. Mediation must take place within 90 days after the Responding Party receives the default notice. If mediation fails, the Claiming Party may take legal action, including filing a civil action. Both Parties hereby knowingly, freely, and voluntarily waive trial by jury in any action or proceeding to which they may be a party, arising out of or in any way related to the Agreement.


In no event whatsoever shall Limit Break Media LLC or its affiliates be liable for any damages beyond the amount the Client actually paid Limit Break Media LLC in the last year under the Agreement.


In case litigation is necessary, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred in litigation and on appeal. b. Limit Break Media LLC will bill the costs of outside legal services for any requests for regulatory or legal compliance to approve copy, address regulatory issues, arrange talent, and other matters dealing with the provision of legal services.


The payments due under these Terms and Conditions and the Agreement are due by the Client, any Guarantors who have signed the Agreement, and any entity (including corporations and limited liability companies) which is making payments directly to Limit Break Media LLC and in which Client or Guarantor has an interest as a shareholder, member, officer, or director. Any payment by such entity made for defrauding Limit Break Media LLC or for other improper purposes creates a liability for all amounts due under the Agreement.


The Client agrees to indemnify and hold Limit Break Media LLC and its affiliates harmless from any claim, demand, or cause of action by whomever brought, whether or not it is brought in front of a state or federal court of law or equity or an administrative tribunal of any federal, state, or local body, that arises out of or is in any way related to the Agreement. Furthermore, the Client assumes risk and indemnifies Limit Break Media LLC where a risk has been brought to the Client's attention and the Client instructs Limit Break Media LLC to proceed, or when the Client tells Limit Break Media LLC to take certain actions, or where the Client provides Limit Break Media LLC with materials that cause harm/the claim.

Because of the Client's intimate familiarity with its company and industry and the fact that Limit Break Media LLC serves as the Client's agent, Limit Break Media LLC cannot undertake to verify every fact supplied by the Client. The Client is responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and propriety of the information that it provides to Limit Break Media LLC concerning the Client's products, services, organization, and industry, and the Client represents and warrants that all information and materials that it provides to Limit Break Media LLC are rightfully owned by the Client and does not violate the intellectual property or other rights of any third party. The Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Limit Break Media LLC and its employees, freelancers, contractors, licensees, and agents from and against all liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses, including attorneys' fees and costs, which Limit Break Media LLC may incur as the result of any third-party claim, suit, or proceeding brought or threatened arising out of or in connection with any of the following:

a. Any publicity or other Materials (as defined in Section IX below) prepared or placed by Limit Break Media LLC for the Client, or assertions Limit Break Media LLC made on the Client's behalf, or other services performed by Limit Break Media LLC for the Client, which were approved by the Client or which were based on materials and/or information supplied or approved by the Client.
b. Any alleged or actual defects in the Client's products or services (including, without limitation, any personal injury or product liability claim for bodily injury or death arising from use of the Client's products or services).
c. Allegations that the Client's activities, or the information or materials provided to Limit Break Media LLC by the Client in connection with this Agreement, violate or infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, or other rights of any third party, or that the Client's activities induce, promote, or encourage the violation of or infringement upon the rights of any third party.
d. Any information, publicity, or other materials provided by Limit Break Media LLC to the Client and used as intended by the Client.
e. Risks or restrictions which Limit Break Media LLC has brought to the Client's attention where the Client has elected to proceed, violate, or exceed such restrictions.
f. The Client's breach of any of the representations, warranties, covenants, or other obligations under this Agreement.
g. The Client's gross negligence or willful misconduct; and
h. The Client's failure to make or comply with usage limitations under applicable union codes (including, without limitation, SAG-AFTRA), or contracts relating to the production or use of commercials when such limitations have been communicated to the Client by Limit Break Media LLC in writing.

Limit Break Media LLC will notify the Client in writing of such an indemnifiable claim as soon as practicable after receiving actual notice of such claim, and Limit Break Media LLC shall provide reasonable cooperation in the defense or settlement of such claim. The Client agrees to obtain Limit Break Media LLC s written consent prior to entering into any compromise, settlement, or other disposition of the claim.

Likewise, Limit Break Media LLC represents and warrant that, to its reasonable knowledge, the Materials prepared by Limit Break Media LLC for the Client will be original and will not violate any copyright rights of third parties. Limit Break Media LLC

agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Client harmless against all liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, which the Client may incur as the result of any claim, suit, or proceeding brought or threatened against the Client based upon or arising out of the Client's use, without alteration, of any Materials furnished by Limit Break Media LLC to the Client, in connection with allegations of libel, slander, defamation, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy and/or plagiarism, except to the extent that such claims arise from information or materials supplied by or through the Client.

In the event Limit Break Media LLC is called upon to respond to or assist the Client in connection with litigation commenced or threatened against the Client by third parties (for example, in complying with a document subpoena or discovery demand), and whether or not Limit Break Media LLC and the Client are working together at the time, Limit Break Media LLC will be entitled to staff time charges and reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, for services rendered to the Client and time spent by Limit Break Media LLC in connection with such matters.


The above indemnification encompasses and includes, without limitation, payment of any penalty, fine, judgment award, or decree; payment of any court cost or attorneys' fees to a prevailing party; and the payment of Limit Break Media LLC s costs and attorneys' fees in defending any claim, demand, or cause of action as described above.


Once Limit Break Media LLC issues Materials to the press or to another third party, its use is no longer under Limit Break Media LLC s control. Limit Break Media LLC cannot assure the use of Materials by any media, nor that any information published will accurately convey the information provided by Limit Break Media LLC does not stipulate or guarantee specific or overall results or returns from public relations, publicity, research, or any other activity Limit Break Media LLC performs, nor shall Limit Break Media LLC be responsible for any user-generated content. Finally, in the unlikely event that Limit Break Media LLC or its employees, freelancers, contractors, licensees, or agents publishes Material on the Client's behalf that inadvertently generates a negative response from the Client or the consuming public, Limit Break Media LLC shall not be held liable for any resulting harm, provided Limit Break Media LLC deletes, retracts, revises, or corrects such publication promptly upon notification by the Client, if such Material was (a) approved by the Client in advance, and/or (b) in compliance with standard public relations and social media guidelines.


The total aggregate liability of either party for any claim of any kind arising as a result of or related to this agreement, whether based in contract, warranty, or any other legal or equitable grounds, shall be limited to the amounts received by Limit Break Media LLC from the Client for the particular project(s) which form(s) the basis of such a claim. Claims for damages must be made by the Client within one (1) year of the incident to which they relate or be forever barred. Notwithstanding any indemnity set out herein, the Client shall act reasonably in seeking to mitigate any losses that may arise.


Limit Break Media LLC may provide the Client with news coverage clips. This coverage is subject to copyrights. Limit Break Media LLC cannot and does not guarantee the Client has the right to use it in any way. The Client has sole responsibility for securing consent from the rightful owner(s) to obtain the necessary rights before engaging in such use.


Limit Break Media LLC acknowledges and agrees that, upon full payment of all sums due to Limit Break Media LLC under this Agreement, all original copy, layouts, scripts, artwork, designs, and publicity materials, including digital content, social media property, brochures, manuals, signage, and other materials (collectively, "Materials") prepared, purchased, or furnished by Limit Break Media LLC for the Client in the performance of this Agreement shall be deemed "work made for hire" and shall, between the Client and Limit Break Media LLC be the Client's exclusive property, subject to any third-party rights, restrictions, or obligations (such as talent rights or intellectual property rights to photography, artwork, music, and any open-source software or code) of which Limit Break Media LLC notifies the Client in writing. Likewise, the Client acknowledges that Limit Break Media LLC retains ownership of all works of authorship created by or for Limit Break Media LLC prior to or separate from the performance of services under this Agreement, including and not limited to pre-existing creative content, materials, software applications, databases, and executable code as well as Limit Break Media LLC 's proprietary information/services, media lists, and third-party relationships. The Client agrees that Limit Break Media LLC shall have the right, without prior approval, to use any and all Materials containing published, non-confidential materials, property, or information following their publication to promote Limit Break Media LLC and to market its services to third parties, including submitting such Materials to industry award shows and posting them on Limit Break Media LLC's website.


Limit Break Media LLC will be acting as the Client's agent when purchasing services, materials, and media on the Client's behalf, and the Client agrees that all orders placed, and contracts entered into by Limit Break Media LLC on the Client's behalf with Limit Break Media LLC 's suppliers and other persons may state the same. Except as provided in the previous sentence, nothing contained in this Agreement shall create any partnership or joint venture between the parties, and Limit Break Media LLC shall not be deemed to be the Client's employee, agent, joint venture, or partner. The Client acknowledges that Limit Break Media LLC may, from time to time, use affiliated companies, consultants, and/or subcontractors in the performance of Services hereunder.


Where the context so indicates or requires, each term stated in the singular includes the plural, and each term stated in the plural includes the singular.


The failure of either party to insist on the performance of any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, or the waiver of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement, shall not be construed as waiving any other term or condition at any other time..


If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found invalid or unenforceable under judicial decree or decision, the remainder shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Without limiting the previous, it is expressly understood and agreed that each and every provision of these Terms and Conditions that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranties, or exclusion of damages is intended by the Parties to be severable and independent of any other provision and to be enforced as such. Further, it is expressly understood and agreed that if any remedy under these Terms and Conditions is determined to have failed of its essential purpose, all other limitations of liability and exclusion of damages set forth in these Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect.


The captions of the sections and paragraphs are for convenience only and are not a part of the Agreement and do not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions of the Agreement.


The Parties acknowledge they have read the Agreement, they understand its terms, and they agree to be bound by the Agreement. Each has had the opportunity to consult with an attorney. In the event of an ambiguity or question of intent or interpretation arises, the Agreement shall be construed as if drafted jointly by the Parties, and no presumption or burden of proof shall arise favoring or disfavoring either Party by virtue of the authorship of any of the provisions of the Agreement.


The Agreement shall not be amended in any way except by written agreement signed by both Parties.


The Parties represent and warrant they are not relying on any promises or representations not appearing in this Agreement.


This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the prior written consent of the other, and any such purported assignment shall be void.

The Client represents and warrants it has read and understands all of the Terms and Conditions that shall govern this agreement and binds itself by such Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of services and/or initial payment per the Terms and Conditions represents acceptance of this agreement.